Social event – Informal Coffee Morning

Cosy Club 20 Cornmarket Street, Oxford, United Kingdom

Drop in at any time to suit you and bring your coffee or tea... (click title for more)

AGM followed by a lecture – The Stephen A Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities

Auditorium, Magdalen College, Oxford Longwall St, United Kingdom

Refreshments and raffle from 10.20am;  AGM at 10.45am;  Lecture at 11.10am  All welcome! Members £7, non-members £10
We are delighted to welcome Professor William Whyte, architectural historian, fellow of St John’s College... (click title for more)

Social event – Informal Coffee Morning

Cosy Club 20 Cornmarket Street, Oxford, United Kingdom

Drop in at any time to suit you and bring your coffee or tea... (click title for more)

Social event – Informal Coffee Morning

Cosy Club 20 Cornmarket Street, Oxford, United Kingdom

Drop in at any time to suit you and bring your coffee or tea... (click title for more)